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Have you ever felt bombarded or weighed down by negative emotions? Have you ever put on a happy face to mask the way you truly feel inside? Have you ever stuffed emotion through food, movies or shopping only to feel guilty and worse after? Have you ever wanted to take the control back from the negativity in your life? Have you ever wanted to gain more courage to face negative emotions?


These are all things that most of us can relate to and happen all too often in our life but we don’t do anything about it. We all have a little devil on our shoulder telling us what to do or reminding us what mistakes we have made in the past. This little devil causes feelings of fear, frustration and guilt to dominate our lives and control our decisions. We know the negative is there but we put up a wall because we don’t want to face it, or don’t think we can face it. This is the great lie that the negative wants us to believe, that we have no power to overcome it. I am here to tell you, you have the power to crush and almost eliminate negative in your life.


Most of my life I have asked one question. Why am I bombarded with negativity? I was the typical person who put on a happy face but in reality stuffed negative emotion to the point of exhaustion sometimes. It got so bad that I hit bottom and was literally asking 


the question, is my family better off without me? Now I have a wife who loves me and four precious children who need me. So why was I listing to this lie coming from negativity, telling me to take myself off the planet? To tell you the truth I didn’t even realize how far down I was. I was so busy faking it to make it and avoiding the negativity that I lost all reality and was living a lie within.

I remember driving in my car tears streaming down my face wanting so bad to feel better but not knowing how. The very next week I met my mentor, who started to show me a way out. Through this experience I have become an Emotional Intelligence Expert and a Master Mentor to others who struggle with knowing what steps to take to get out. I have created programs, processes and tools to help customize the path out for each individual and give each person a personal blueprint to find true lasting happiness in their life.


I have created a program called the Emotional Compass that assists people to generate their own value and respect in their life. The Emotional Compass was built on pure inspiration and a sincere desire to find truth principles that would assist people to create their own internal validation therefore giving them the best opportunity to serve all the people around them, mostly their family. Each person has their own fingerprint of how they want to be validated. This program gives you the knowledge to know how to motivate yourself to success. I believe that most negative attitude shifts in life originate in the home and in the family. I created the Emotional Compass to give people the tools to move forward and let go of whatever is holding them back in their life.


How the Emotional Compass applies to your life:


The Emotional Compass will give you a snap shot blueprint of where you are at in your life. It does this by giving an average score that proves where you are emotionally. This score is critical because you now have the ability to prove that you are moving forward and feeling better about your life and work.


Too many people have no clue of what is holding them back, stopping their progression and causing their negative mood swings. The Emotional Compass will help you know, customized to you, exactly what is holding you back and causing the tough emotional days that may affect lasting happiness.


People also seem to lose their focus and keep hidden what truly motivates them to be successful in their job and life. The Emotional Compass will help you discover what to focus on and what motivates you to move forward and create the ultimate life experience. People can subconsciously tell when others are having a bad day even if they fake it. The Emotional Compass will assist you to create a genuine peace and energy that other people will feel.


After we have our personal customized blueprint the process I take people through is called a Push, Release and Refill. In each of these three steps I designed tools for people to use. The push is how you push the bombardment of negativity away so you feel an amazing peace and have a chance to work on what is really causing the struggle. The release is how to let go of what you are holding on to and what’s holding you back. The push is my favorite part. The push is how to push up the positive in your life. How do you feel good all the time, was the question I asked when I designed this process. The tools built into this process are easy to use and achieve amazing results quickly.


If you feel you have suffered enough in your life and have a sincere desire to move forward past all the negativity and want to create an amazing peace in your life this may be the program for you. I only have room for a few more people. If you would like to take the next step in creating that amazing peace for yourself I will meet with you and introduce you to the Emotional Compass Program for free to see if you are ready to learn how to face emotion.


You can go to the Contact Page and schedule your free session. The session takes about 1 to 2 hrs. to complete. We can either meet in person or on the phone.


Through all my experience working with people over the last decade, anyone who completes this program has dramatically transformed their life by learning how to have the courage to face emotions and what to do with the emotions once you face them. I know you too will gain the success in your life by working through this program, but don’t take my word for it. Experience it for yourself by going to the Contact page to schedule your free initial session.

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